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Behavioral Healthcare Center accessions to Qatar Foundation for Social Work’s affiliated centers


Qatar Foundation for Social Work has announced the accession of Behavioral Healthcare Center under the group of its affiliated centers, lifting the number of centers under its direct supervision to eight entities. Such a new decision comes in alignment with the efforts of the centers operating under the supervision of the Foundation, to contribute to a better recruitment of expertise, and interoperability between them to serve the target groups and the general community. Moreover, such new joining will enhance the values of the foundation aimed at strengthening the bonds of society, preserving its elements and cohesion, including all its groups and responding to its various challenges.

"We are gratified to announce that a distinguished center has joined our specialized centers. Now, our scope of work has become more expansive and distinct, rendering more integrated services, as at the present time it includes support for family stability, care for orphans, child and women protection, youth empowerment, care and rehabilitation of people with disabilities and elderly care, thus adding to us another key specialization, which is supporting behavioral health and disorders in community members. The accession of such a hefty and successful center like Behavioral Healthcare Center will definitely enrich our mission in serving our community and enhancing the capacities of social work in Qatar." Mr. Ahmed Al-Kuwari, CEO of the Qatar Foundation for Social Work, said commenting on the decision.

“In the forthcoming period, we will team up on a broad scale and at the highest level with BHC Center in order to provide well-informed consultations and supervision, which trigger integration in service provision and benefit from the expertise when the affiliated centers operate in conjunction with each other in providing treatment and rehabilitation services to different segments of society. Such collaboration will generate better opportunities for everyone and open wider horizons to exchange experiences and  assemble lessons learned in providing services to the target groups.", Al Kuwari added

Behavioral Healthcare Center (BHC) known as “Daam" was established with the aim of providing effective awareness, treatment, rehabilitation and training services in the field of behavioral health, upgrading services directed to persons with behavioral disorders in the community, and preparing highly qualified cadres in the field of behavioral and cognitive therapy, sexual education and conclude effective partnerships with various institutions for aftercare and reintegration.

Qatar Foundation for Social Work oversees an array of centers including Social Development Centre (Nama), Al Shafallah Center for Persons with Disability, Family Counseling Center (Wifaq), The Orphan Care Center (Dreama), The Centre for Elderly Empowerment & Care (Ehsan), Social Rehabilitation & Protection Center (Aman), and Qatar Best Buddies initiative, Al Noor Center for the Blind and Behavioral Health Care Center.